My author spotlight today is Samantha Long an awesome YA author...

Do you write as yourself or under a pseudonym? Why?
I write as myself. I'm not sure why, lol, I've just never thought about using a pseudonym.
What made you want to be a published author?
I've always wanted to write. I would stare at books and know that one day I would have a book up on that shelf too. It's a passion.
What genre do you write in and why?
I write in young adult paranormal because I've always been fascinated with the supernatural. Ghosts, magic, werewolves, vampires. It's fun to believe that there's more out there than we know.
If you could talk to your 12 year old self, what advice would you give?
Don't worry so much about what others think. You'll get a boyfriend. Haha, and you'll eventually be happy.
Have any other authors influenced your writing through theirs?
Definitely Nora Roberts. I love the way she writes, the worlds she makes. The relationships between the people seem so real to me.
If you are a self-published author what made you take this route and what was your experience (good or bad)?
I'm self-published. I picked this way so that I would have more control over what I write and how it looks. A lot of authors I know are self-publishing and love it.
How would you rate your writing?
Oh Lord, lol, that's a hard question. I'm my own worst critic.
How do you react to poor reviews of your book?
I get upset for an hour, eat some junk food, cry on my husband's shoulder. Then I try to see if there's anything constructive in it. If not, I move on.
What influences your choice of book covers?
I like covers that are eye-popping and mysterious.
How do you balance your writing with your real world responsibilities?
Sometimes the house is a mess and dinner is pb&j, lol, but I try to write after everyone's in bed or before everyone gets up so I can focus. Four kids and the noise, I can't block it out.
Do your characters drive the plots of your stories or do you plan out your plot?
I plan out my plot, I'm a definite planner. But sometimes my characters do what they want.
Do you ever write what you dream? Give an example.
All. The. Time. I have very vivid dreams, and the entire Guardian series is actually formed from dreams I had as a teenager.
Do you market yourself or pay a professional?
I'm lucky to have friends who are GREAT at marketing. They help me out and give me tips, so I haven't had to pay yet.
What are your tips for editing?
Do it. As many times as you need. Your book can always get better. I like to edit and then take a break to do something around the house so that I don't burn out and lose interest. Then I go back to it.
What inspired you to write your current WIP or current published work?
My dreams. I wanted to share the Guardian dreams with people and I love to write.
Do you prefer to write stand-alone novels or a series? Why?
I love to write series because I love to read them. I love to bring characters back and explore their motivations and personalities more. Maybe change things around and surprise people.
If you could change one thing in the publishing process what would it be?
OMG. I hate ebook formatting. I wish there were people who did it for free, or a program that automatically does it perfectly.
What advice would you give to a new author?
Write. Don’t stop, no matter what your inner critic whispers naughtily in your ear. It’s not garbage. You can do this.
Share a favourite quote from your book.
"I thought no one could hurt me worst than she did, but you proved me wrong." HIs bitter tone struck her. " Being connected to you made the pain a thousand times worse."
Tristan to main character Sophie
Name one person that you feel supported you outside of family members.
Easy. My best friend, Nina. We met in Texas. I let her read it and she loved it. She also was honest with what needed work. She’s the biggest reason I’m at this point today. When I wanted to give up, she wouldn’t let me.
I love everything paranormal's a great genre to write in and opens up a world of possibilities because as the author we have to create a complete new world. As for editing I share you pain 
So let's have a looksy at her book...

So let's have a looksy at her book...

When Sophie moves to Boston to get away from the people who ridiculed her for her psychic talents, she wants to start fresh. But when a demon attacks her study group at the library, she has no choice but to reveal her abilities to warn the others.
She learns the attacks won't stop until she's dead. To stay alive she joins forces with the other students and a secret society that has battled the demons for centuries.
The last thing she wants to do is be a pawn in the war of good and evil. When her visions start showing events from a past life, she can't ignore the connections it shows. She has no choice but to acknowledge the bonds that tie her to the other students, even if some of them refuse, to have the strength to defeat the demon that hunts them down.
Will she survive long enough to stop the demons from destroying everything and everyone she loves?
Seriously I would buy this book on the cover alone...well I already have...geeze my TBR pile is getting bigger...and BIGGER...Thank god I have my 32gb Kindle!!!
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