After going through a terrifying ordeal. Savannah has to try and overcome the tragic events that rocked her soul to the very core. With Kayden by her side Savannah tries to piece her life back together. Feeling betrayed, she finds herself struggling to move on with her now fragile life.
Plagued with nightmares, and the fear that she will once again find herself staring in to the face of danger. Savannah shuts herself away from the outside world. In the process pushing away the man she loves and her closest friends. Praying on her weakness, two unlikely people will come together. With the sole purpose of separating Savannah and Kayden when their relationship is on shaky ground.
With past secrets exposed, Exes causing trouble and lovers from the past offering comfort. Will Savannah and Kayden be torn apart for good? Or will their indestructible love for one another be strong enough to withstand the storms coming their way?
Plagued with nightmares, and the fear that she will once again find herself staring in to the face of danger. Savannah shuts herself away from the outside world. In the process pushing away the man she loves and her closest friends. Praying on her weakness, two unlikely people will come together. With the sole purpose of separating Savannah and Kayden when their relationship is on shaky ground.
With past secrets exposed, Exes causing trouble and lovers from the past offering comfort. Will Savannah and Kayden be torn apart for good? Or will their indestructible love for one another be strong enough to withstand the storms coming their way?
ADD TO GOODREADS~ http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18079426-indestrucatable-desire

Author Bio
I am 28 and a mother of 3 wonderful kids. Madison 9 Bailey 5 and Finn 22months. I run a successful online boutique, Bailey Booper’s Boutique; many of my items featured on Teen Mom 2. I live in a small town in NY with my husband of 10 years, enjoying my happily ever after. My perfect day is spending time at the beach, I love the Ocean. I’m an outdoorsy type of girl; every chance I get I’m outside walking or running around with my kids.
I have been writing for as long as I can remember but I finally decide to peruse my dreams of sharing my stories with the world when I published my first Novel Irresistible Desire back in March.
Twitter ~ https://twitter.com/DanielleJamie85
Pinterest ~ http://pinterest.com/daniellejamie85/irresistible-desire-inescapable-desire-infinite-de/
LONG Excerpt
With long quick strides we walked through the double doors and down a long corridor. I hate not knowing how she is. If she’s okay, or what the extent of her injuries are. The not knowing is what is hurting me the most.
I love her way too much to lose her. We’ve only just begun our journey together. After what feels like forever, we finally stop in front of room 112. “You can sit in here. I'll let the charge nurse know you have permission to be back here. She'll likely be able to answer most of your questions. We have myself and another officer guarding her room. Officer Gordon is in the O.R. with her right now.”
Sitting down in one of the chairs by the hospital bed, I take in everything he’s saying but my head seems like it’s in a fog. “Thanks. I hope they catch Zak sooner rather than later, so I can focus on carin’ for Savannah instead of stressing’ over if he’s gonna show up and try to hurt her again.”
“I imagine we’ll catch him very soon. He’s suffered injuries from the crash. He’s on foot, and there are police officers and detectives searching everywhere. The entire area is closed off with road blocks.”
After Officer Mason went to find the ER nurse, I decided to flick through a magazine and try to distract myself. Two magazines later a nurse finally walked into Savannah’s hospital room. “Hi, Mr. Knox. I’m Kathy, the evening nurse here in the E.R., the doctor is in surgery right now with Savannah. He’ll be down to talk about everythin’ once she’s out of surgery.”
Setting the magazine down, I stand up, and wipe my damp palms on my jeans. My nerves are getting the best of me. The worst case scenarios have been running through my head the last fifteen minutes. “The EMT’s at the crash site mentioned potential swelling of the brain?”
“Yes. She wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, so when the car flipped she received a lot of injuries, one of them being the swelling. She’s in surgery now so they can relieve the pressure on her brain. They also believe she has some bruised or fractured ribs and a sprained or broken wrist. We won’t know for sure until after she comes out of surgery and the doctors can do some X-rays.”
“Was she still unconscious when she went into surgery? When the EMT’s were checking her over she wasn’t responsive before they put her in the ambulance.”
Looking down at the clip board she had removed from Savannah’s door, she lets out a sigh. Instantly making the knot in the pit of my stomach tighten. “It says here she was unconscious and non-responsive when she arrived in the E.R., and was still when they rushed her into surgery. Her brain is just trying to heal. To do so it sometimes has to shut itself off in order to repair itself. She will more than likely wake up within the next few hours to maybe a few days. It’s hard to tell with brain injuries.”
I’m thankful I finally know what’s going on, but now I wonder was I better off being in the dark? I’m dizzy from everything buzzing around in my head. What will I do if she doesn’t wake up? If she does, what if she wakes up not the same Savannah she was before her accident? Zak better pray the cops catch him and not me. If I do, he won’t be going to jail. He’ll be in the ground right beside Jacob.

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