Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Trust Me Book Tour

Mrs. Potter’s Book Publicity Services
A Deluxe Blog Tour
By: Kristin Mayer
Book Description:
After the loss of her parents, Allison Scott spent the past year of her life being emotionally disconnected, and afraid of the loss that comes from loving someone. 

Allison is finally ready to find the person she used to be when she embarks on her getaway vacation to Miami. In Miami, she meets Damien Wales—a man who will stop at nothing to make Allison his—in every way possible. 

Being heavily pursued by Damien, forces Allison to decide whether or not to open herself up again. Her attraction to him is undeniable, and she finds herself being brought back to life by the mere presence of him. But does she truly know enough about Damien to let herself be open for that kind of pain again?

Damien's tragic past has left him a cold and distant person. However, the moment he sees Allison, he's inexplicably drawn to her. She brings out a side in him that he thought was lost forever.

Damien’s dark past starts to collide with the present in a way he never thought possible. He's now forced to do everything he can to keep Allison in his life as she learns about his past.

Will both Damien and Allison be able to put aside their pasts and learn to trust each other?

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Author Bio:
Kristin Mayer is a wife, a proud mother, and a full-time Analyst and Import Manager. Since an early age, she has always enjoyed reading and writing. While visiting her father one weekend, he suggested that she should take up writing again. With family and a career, she didn’t give it a lot of thought, until a story entered her mind and wouldn’t leave. It just kept forming and developing over a couple of months. 
             At the beginning of 2013, she decided to sit down and write it all down, but she kept it to herself. One sentence developed into two, and before she knew it, she had the makings of a novel.
             Kristin tries to live life to the fullest during every moment. She loves to travel and meet new people. She holds a degree in International Business and uses it daily in her job. Kristin now adds “author” on her list of jobs, and feels very blessed and thankful.

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Tour Wide Giveaway
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To enter, follow the tour and make a comment on as many stops as you can. The person who comments the most, WINS!

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Author Interview
Hi Kristin, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself and your background?
Thank you for having me. Let’s see, there’s not a lot to tell. I love to travel and live life to the fullest. I enjoy experiencing new things each and every day. For the last seven years, I’ve been a fulltime analyst for a company and I love to write on the side. I love my job and the challenge it brings to me analytically and creatively. I’m married to my high school sweet heart and have a wonderful kiddo.
Were you good at English?
I used to think I was fairly decent at English until I got my copy edits back from the editor. Oh wow, all the red. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much red in all my life. I like taking the words and creating a scene that takes the readers to a different place and emerges them into a story, making them feel a part of it and experience it.
What are your ambitions for your writing career?
I want to share my stories with the readers and will see where it goes. This journey has been wonderful on so many levels and the people I have met are incredible. I’m thankful for all the blessings I’ve already received and anything else that comes my way is just wonderful.
So, what have you written?
(*Include books, novellas, short stories, poems, blogs, awards or anything of interest.)
I’ve just released Trust Me, which is the first book in the Trust Series. Love Me, book two, has been sent to the editor. Love me is the continuation of Damien and Alli’s story. It starts where Trust Me ends. Promise Me, the last book, goes to the editor in January. Promise Me is Sam’s story and is currently with the beta readers.
Where can we buy or see them? (* include American, European and any other relevant links. Free, free promotions or prices can be included)
Amazon US:

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What are you working on at the minute?
I’m working on Promise Me, book three, in the Trust Series.
What’s it about? (*if relevant)
It’s Sam’s story, Alli’s best friend. You find out what she’s been hiding all this time. I’ve received a lot of questions as to why Sam goes to Atlanta all the time. Well, this is the book you find out.
What genre are your books?
Contemporary Romance
How much research do you do?
It depends on the scene. For a more complex scene that may involve something I’m not familiar with then I do a lot of research. Sometimes, when I’m writing simple movements, like splashing water on your face, I’ll reenact that to potentially get a description I didn’t think about.
Have you written any other novels in collaboration with other writers?
No, I have not.
When did you decide to become a writer?
I think authors have been writers at heart their entire lives. I believe it’s about the timing of when we decide to take the plunge into this world. My decision was made in January of 2012. A few weeks before Christmas, my dad had mentioned that I should take up writing again. A couple of weeks later an idea popped in my head as I was driving my kiddo to school. I tried to ignore Alli and Damien, but they demanded to be put on paper. I wrote a few chapters and sent it to my best friend who loves to read and she wanted to see more. Then ten months later I self-published my first novel.
Why do you write?
It’s a stress reliever for me. But most importantly, I don’t think I have the option not to write and tell the stories that come into my head. I know that sounds a little crazy. I tried to ignore Alli and Damien’s story but they refused to go away until I started writing it all down.
What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?
I had a story I wanted to tell and share with the world. I remember typing my first sentence to Trust Me and it was surreal. I had no title, but three characters that had their story unfolding in my mind. The moment I typed the first letter it felt right.
Do you write full-time or part-time?
I write part-time. I have a full-time job and then write in the evenings after I put the kiddo to bed. There have been many a nights that I’ve survived on two to three hours of sleep. But, I love it.
Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
Since I work full-time, I spend my evenings writing. I write some on the weekends too.
Do you write every day, 5 days a week or as and when?
It’s rare for me to not do something related to the book seven days a week.
Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?
I personally aim for writing a scene. I know where the story is going and I’ll aim to finish to a certain point before going to bed.
Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?
I use the computer for everything at this point regarding the book. I have a tablet I use to write my notes out regarding the book.
Where do the your ideas come from?
My life. My experiences. My dreams.
Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?
I have a mental outline of where the story is going, but I let the story lead me. Trust Me took me to a different place than planned in the beginning. Trust Me originally had a very different ending.
What is the hardest thing about writing?
For me it’s balancing my career as an analyst, being a wife, being a mother, friends, family, and being an author.
What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?
Technically, I’ve written Promise Me, the third book. For me it’s been very difficult saying good-bye to the characters. Alli, Damien, and Sam have been a constant part of my life for the past eleven months. It’s different knowing I’m about to move onto new characters.
What is the easiest thing about writing?
Putting the story down on paper I have in my head. When I sit down to write I go into my own little bubble. I love it.
How long on average does it take you to write a book?
Let’s see. Writing at night I finished Trust Me in just around three months. Love Me went to the beta readers in July, so it took three months also. Promise Me took around four months as I was working copy edits for Trust Me at the same time.
Do you ever get writer’s Block?
Not per say. My problem is more my fingers automatically slow when there is a scene that I don’t want to write. There’s an incident with Alli at a college party and I dreaded writing that scene. The chapter prior felt like my fingers had been dipped in sludge. It was as if they were dreading having to write it.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’ds block?
Let the story take the lead.
If this book is part of a series, tell us a little about it?
The first two books are about Damien and Alli. They are both broken due to loss they have had to endure. They find each other, but Damien’s past poses a problem when it starts to threaten Alli’s safety. The third book is Sam’s story. She’s been hiding a secret and it all comes to light.
What are your thoughts on writing a book series.
I loved writing a series. I’m glad I wrote all three books prior to publishing Trust Me. My next project will be a standalone novel. Trust Me was always planned to be a series from the beginning.
Do you read much and if so who are your favourite authors.
I’m an avid reader, but just haven’t had the time as of late. There’s way too many to list. I’ve met quite a few and may have fan girled a time or too.
For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books?
I love reading from a paperback. This may sound weird, but I love the smell of books. However, due to how many I read it was imperative to invest in an e-reader. Otherwise, we would probably be swimming in books at our home.
Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?
Jovana Shirley at Unforeseen Editing Copy Edits, Proofreads and formats my books. I also have a Post edit beta reader that gets the book prior to formatting for one last check.
Who edited your book and how did you select him/her?
I selected Jovana Shirley by looking at books I was reading and seeing samples she had done on her website. I’ve nicknamed her my Fairy Edit Godmother.
Tell us about the cover/s and how it/they came about.
My best friend, Harper, was brainstorming with me one night on the phone. She suggested the bracelet idea with Trust on it. I fell in love with the idea and then started the cover process.
Who designed your book cover/s?
Chris Chandler at Chandler Graphics. He’s currently working on the Love Me cover. I can’t wait to see it.
Do you think that the cover plays an important part in the buying process?
Most definitely. The cover draws people in to investigate if the book is something they would actually enjoy reading.
How are you publishing this book and why?
(*e.g. Indie, traditional or both)
I’ve self-published Trust Me. Honestly, I’ve enjoyed doing each step of the process and learning everything that goes into publishing a book. I still have so much to learn, but that’s the point of new adventures.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and not everyone will like every book they read. I think regardless if it is a good review or bad review it is always important to keep it constructive. Regardless, that always helps the author understand why the reader may or may not have liked it.
What do you think of “trailers” for books?
I personally love them and am working on getting one made for Trust Me. There will be a teaser trailer for Love me.
Did you format your own book?
Jovana Shirley at Unforeseen Editing formats my book. She’s phenomenal.
In what formats is your book available?
Trust Me is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes and Kobo.
How do you relax?
There are several things I do depending on the time of day. I run, play with the kiddo, read or take a nice hot relaxing bath.
What is your favourite motivational phrase.
My best friend, Harper, brought me something when we worked together many years ago. It was something her mom had given her to bring to my team. It was a card that said, “Bright Ideas Are Inside You!” It has a little light bulb pin on it. I still have that little card with the pin on my desk at work and look at it every day. Each and every person has bright ideas inside of them.
What is your favourite quote?
I have several favorite quotes.  That’s where the inspiration came from regarding advice Allison (Alli) remembers her mom saying in the book as she gets through different situations. I live by those sayings depending on what situation I’m facing at the moment.
What is your favourite film and why?
Gone With the Wind. I have loved that movie since I was a little girl. When it would come on T.V. my mom would always let me stay up and watch it with her for the week it was on. I fell in love with the time period, the dresses, everything. When I was younger I used to mow my dad’s yard for money. His yard is about an acre and would take around four hours to mow. I got paid twenty bucks. I would save up all summer long and then go buy Gone With the Wind Oil paintings for my bedroom. I still have all the paintings I purchased over the years and they are currently in my guest bedroom. Every time I see those pictures it brings back the fondest memories of riding round and round on that little Red Snapper lawn mower my dad had with my head phones listening to New Kids on the Block.
Where can you see yourself in 5 years time?
I hope I’ve continued to experience life to the fullest. I hope I’ve continued to take chances. I hope I’ve continued to follow my heart. I hope I’ve loved to the fullest. I hope I’ve continued to push myself to achieve my dreams.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t take life so seriously. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Live it. 
What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
Your story is your story, but listen, learn, and research all that you can. There’s so much that goes into the process. There’s so many great resources to use.
How can readers discover more about you and you work?
Twitter: @author_Kristin

Book Links: (* American, UK, etc.)
Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:




Excerpt # 1

Once in the lobby, I head outside to the beach, and a clean, salty scent greets me and wraps around me. After removing my flip-flops, I squish the sand in between my toes. The scenery brings happy memories, and I welcome them as I remember when my family used to head to the beach for long weekend getaways. It’s good to think about the memories and not feel like I am being swallowed up by the sadness that normally accompanies the thought of my parents.
Making my way down the shoreline, I enjoy the peaceful feeling of having no expectations. It’s just the crashing waves, my camera, and me. In the distance, I see some dolphins tormenting a seagull. They seem to be playing a keep-away game. I prepare my camera and adjust the settings. It’s a professional digital camera with a wide-angle zoom lens that my parents had bought as my birthday present after I finished my first year of college.
I begin taking shots from different angles as I try to capture contrasting lights from the sky. There’s something magical about taking an image that will help me remember all the smells, feelings, and thoughts I had in that exact moment of time. It’s like freezing a piece of history that can never happen in the same way again.
As I start walking, I think back to my apartment, which is covered with pictures I’ve taken, memories I have made, and moments I will cherish.
“Ow!” Oh my gosh! I got so captivated in the moment that I almost ran someone over in the process. My eyes automatically shut from the impact. I decide not to open them as I take stock of how hard this guy’s body feels. Crap, my shoulder hurts from hitting him.
“Shit.” The voice is deep, raw, and powerful.
Now is when I have to face this total stranger and admit that I made a total idiot of myself because I was distracted. Um, yeah, I totally rock. He did not sound pleased either. Well, who would be when some crazy person rams into you out of the blue? It’s time to face that inevitable moment when I wish I could just fast forward, so I don’t physically have to live through it.
“I’m so sorry. I was gazing out to the ocean, and I didn’t see you.” When I look up into the eyes of the stranger, I am immediately frozen into place from the deep blue gazing back at me. They are the purest blue pair of eyes I have ever seen. Thank goodness I got that last sentence out. Right now, my brain has completely stopped working, and I am not even sure I can process anything of sound mind.
Mr. Blue Eyes has black hair flopping in that sexy way. My fingers want to run through it as I pull his mouth down to mine. His lips look to be firm yet soft. His angular jaw is something I could spend hours—
Holy shit! I shake my head to stop my train of thought as I turn ten shades of red. Did he just ask me something? “Um, sorry, what did you say again?” Oh, kill me now.
“I said, do you always go to such extremes to get attention from guys you’re interested in talking to?” His eyes are dancing with excitement.
Just then, I realize that he hasn’t let go of my upper shoulders from when he reached out to grab me. My skin is on fire at the spots where he’s touching me. I’m confused by my reaction, and it causes me to completely miss what he said…again. “What?”
“Are you seriously asking me to repeat myself for a third time?” He’s says jokingly.
Oh, that smile. Would it be weird to start fanning myself? “Um, no…I mean, um…”

Excerpt # 2

The driver opens the door for me, and with my suitcase in hand, he escorts me to my apartment door. It’s good to be home. I barely make it through the front door when I hear Sam bouncing up the stairs.
Engulfing me in a big hug, she squeezes me tight. “Hey, stranger. I hope you found what you were looking for.” She pushes me back at an arm’s length, and she eyes me speculatively.
“I did, Sam. I really, really did. It’s a little surreal how I did, but I can’t remember the last time I felt like this.” The genuine happiness in my voice rings true, and I’m smiling that cheesy smile.
“You seem like you again.” She brings me back in for another hug.
I know my withdrawal from the world had her stressed out with worry. She is the reason I made it through the last year.
Pulling back from the hug, I notice Sam’s pink sorority shirt. “Did you get approved?”
“Yes, we did. We are an official sorority. We’ve been cleaning out an old place that they are going to let us use as the official house.” She gives me a fist bump, then twirls, and does some jumping thing.
“Woohoo! I knew you would get approved.” I cannot help but join in on the dance as we prance about laughing.
Suddenly, she stops and grabs me by the shoulders. She takes me to the chocolate leather couch. “All right, enough about me and the sorority. Spill, Allison.” She has that no-nonsense look, and she is ready for all the details.
I start slowly, mainly just to annoy her, and I draw out the words. “I met a guy.”
She slaps my leg playfully. “Allison, do not pretend you don’t know exactly what I want to know. Details. Now. Pronto.”
“Yes, mother.” Her arched eyebrow spurs me to continue. “His name is Damien. He’s twenty-eight, works in real estate, and actually lives in Atlanta. He’s gorgeous. I mean, gor-ge-ous. He makes me feel…I don’t know…special and wanted and cherished. I actually ran into him while I was taking pictures on the beach. It feels like one of those movies where fate brings two people together, and it just clicks.”
“Do you think he’s the one? Are you ready for that step?”
My heart falters at her statement. “Geez, Sam, we’ve only been together for less than a week. Marriage is a little soon, don’t you think?”
She picks up one of the pillows from the couch and throws it at me. “Not marriage, crazy. Your V-card. You know, where the P goes into the V and pops the C?”

Excerpt # 3
We are all standing at the top of the stairs.
I lean in to give Damien a kiss. “Good night.”
He looks at me quizzically.
Answering his silent query, I say, “I’m going to stay with Sam and catch up. You know, girl time.” I give a shrug as if it is to be expected, and I start walking to my friend, giving her a wink in the process.
Before I make it three steps, he swiftly picks me up and slings me over his shoulder. “I don’t fucking think so. Night, Sam.”
She laughs at his barbarian manners as he strides toward our bedroom. She calls after us, “Night, guys. Keep it down.”
My face flames as Damien slaps my ass. My best friend knows I’m about to get down and nasty with my boyfriend.
She yells even louder, “You’re in for it now, Allison.”
“You’re mine tonight, Alli.”
The dark sensuality of his tone has me excited for what he has in store for me

Excerpt # 4
The dance floor is crowded with sweaty patrons. I’m just about to break free from the crowd when someone grabs my arm. Turning around, I see it’s Brad who is pulling me back farther into the throng of people.
“Allison, come dance with me. Now that I know you can move like that, you definitely owe me a dance for holding out on me all this time.”
I can tell he’s been drinking a bit, maybe a lot. He continues to drag me, causing me to nearly stumble, as I try to stand my ground.
“Brad, I need to get back to Damien. I’m danced out for the evening, and I’m about to leave.”
I try to disengage myself, but he strengthens his hold and keeps pulling me out onto the floor. It’s not a full-out struggle yet, but he’s being way too persistent and inappropriate.
“Take your fucking hands off of her, asshole.”
At Damien’s tone, Brad whips around and automatically lets go of me. With the sudden release, I stumble back into Damien’s front. He steadies me, moves me behind him, and angles his body in a protective stance. He is absolutely furious. Shit, Brad has awakened a sleeping giant.
“You’ve crossed the line. Stay away from her, or you and I are going to have major problems. I don’t want you even looking in her direction. It would be in your best interest if you fully comprehend that Alli and I are a very serious couple.”
Not even waiting for a response, Damien turns to me and puts his hands on my bare shoulders. I think I hear Brad mumbling something, but I can’t be sure.
“Are you okay?” Damien asks me.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being part of the Trust Me Blog Tour.
